
September 16, 2012

Light boxes

Sorry for the lack of posts in the last while.  I am out of my mind, crazy busy right now!!  The house we have lived in for the past 9 years is going on the market tomorrow, and I have been full force de-cluttering and de-personalizing-- not to mention, repairing things, caulking, painting, patching etc.  
We really hoped to sell this house privately to a nice family without all the fuss and show and stress of putting it out there for a million people to bid on.  Unfortunately, that didn't work out for us through word of mouth, and we ended up having to hire an agent.  I just didn't have the time to try and make a go of it with Property Guys or some similar sell-it-yourself program.  
So, tomorrow is the big day, and we fully expect a couple of hundred people to go through it and likely multiple offers.  
Our street is in a great location and the house is renovated and ready for someone to just start living!

at The Bennett House, the dry walling is finished for the second and third floors and half done for the first floor.  Things are moving along quickly! 
If you remember, in August we pulled apart our old dock at the cottage and saved the old boards.  

We were always planning on making recessed light boxes on the main level to break up the vast white ceiling a bit, but originally thought we would make them out of plywood.  
After saving the old dock boards, we thought they might make pretty neat light boxes.  
But since I've been so busy with our house sale, I got my ever dependable dad to start making them so that they could be installed before the dry wall.  
He came through beautifully!

They turned out a little shorter than I originally wanted them (since the boards were only 3 feet long) and we had to do the base of them with painted white particle board (since we didn't have enough dock board for all 4 lights), but I still think they look pretty good!

There will be track lights installed inside them that will hang out slightly.

I'm not 100% sure about the white inside them yet, but I could easily paint them a different colour.  I considered black, but could do a bright colour like chartreuse!

The aluminum work is all done on the exterior now.  It looks great and really finishes it off.

I really should get a picture of the front.  The charcoal grey is almost a dead match to the windows. 

Our dry-stacked stone wall and stairs are almost done as well.  I should be able to reveal those later this week!


  1. Wow talk about hectic! Good luck with listing your 'old' house, hope the listing/ bidding/ closing goes smoothly for you with as little stress as possible. :)

    1. Thanks, Martina! I'm pretty sure it will sell quickly. That is what we hope anyway!
