
September 05, 2012

Starting the drywall

We had a major inspection approval given to us yesterday.  This one allows us to close up all the walls.  He double checked many of the structural elements that he already O.K.'d in previous inspections so it really took a long time.  But, everything was great.  Not one thing to fix.  Hooray!  The next inspection will be for occupancy.  
Kind of feels like we're nearing the end.

So, without any delay, we started dry-walling this morning.

They're starting on the third floor and working their way down.

I can't believe how much different the spaces look with walls up!  This nook is where our oldest daughter's bed will be.

The third floor is kind of finicky with all the angles and knee walls.  The other floors should go a little quicker.
Even so, I imagine it will still take a couple of weeks to get the whole house done completely.

This is the back of the house with the scaffolding down.  I still love the stucco colour!
The aluminum guys start the eaves, soffits and fascia tomorrow morning.  We decided on charcoal grey to match the windows.

This is the basement T.V. room.  I decided to add some Roxul Safe and Sound insulation in the ceiling to hopefully dampen some of the future T.V. noise from carrying upstairs.

The same in the utility room-- mostly for the central vacuum which I've heard can be very loud.

I'm ordering all our kitchen appliances tomorrow or the next day.  
This is the fun stuff!


  1. Drywall phase is exciting because you can start to see the interiors come together.

    1. So true! It is actually kind of amazing how different it all looks.

  2. If TV noise is ever a problem, use headphones. We are all used to them anyway via mp3 players, bluetooth, etc. It is an awesome experience, true surround sound, etc. AND AS NOISY AS YOU WANT (bearing in mind future ear damage).

    I use earphones because I am partially deaf from listening to too many blues concerts in the 1970s. They also let my wife sleep at night since there is no noise.
