
September 23, 2012

Selling our beloved house

We are getting closer to moving in to The Bennett house.  
Probably about 2 months away now.  So the time has come to sell the house we have been living in for the past nine and a half years.

It is a bit nerve wracking, selling a house!
  The agents expect the place to be immaculate and to minimize the appearance of children living in it.
I knew we had to "de-clutter" and "de-personalize", but I didn't expect to have to do so much of it.  
But I am loving the pared down space we now have.

Not that we'll ever be able to keep it this clean!
In fact, we've been living with my sister in Oakville for the past week while the showings and open houses were happening, just so that it could remain this clean.
But I honestly don't want all that stuff back that we put away in storage.

It will be really nice to start fresh in the new house and hopefully do one more purge before we move in.
I have tried to design the space with our lifestyle in mind, so that we will hopefully have a place for everything.  
If we don't, then it will have to go!
I think that is the key to getting rid of clutter-- having a place to easily put everything away.  

The kitchen can especially get over-run with stuff that is never used.
This one has been very efficient for us.  
Although, I did put quite a bit of thought into it when we renovated it, and got rid of a lot when we moved out of the old kitchen.
I hope it works out just as well for someone else.

The kids are a bit sad to leave this house.
Two of them were born here (yes, we're mad homebirthers) which they always remind me of.
As if I've forgotten!
It's very hard for them to imagine the Bennett house in a livable state.  
Kids don't have the same vision.

I'll miss this house, too.  
We did a lot of work on it, and have a lot of memories here.  
My husband and his cousin built this back deck on their own--the first big project he'd ever worked on.
It really is a great house, and someone will be very lucky to live here.
Possibly another young family like we were. 
Hopefully we'll know later this week.


  1. good luck...your home looks beautiful and I'm sure it will make a family very happy!

  2. Your (old) house is stunning, Keira! I am sure the Bennett House will be even better.

  3. Oh, it's gorgeous!

    I lived in the house I grew up in for 18 years. I cried when we left, but 7 years later, while I remember it fondly, I know homes are impermanent. Your kids will learn that too, eventually, but it is hard to leave those memories behind.

  4. Wow your home is beautiful! I am sure someone will be very happy with it.

  5. Your house is beautiful, I'm sure you will have no problems selling it. And I'm sure the new owners will love it. I can't wait to see how those Saarinen dining chairs will look in the Bennett House.

  6. Thank you all for your nice comments. Tomorrow is the big day when we're accepting offers. We expect there to be at east a few.

  7. What a fantastic looking home. No wonder you are sad to leave it behind.

    Good luck with the sale.

