
June 26, 2012

Totally gutted.

Remember the front door that I've been so painstakingly refinishing?

I stripped and sanded and stained the outside, and painted the inside a matte black.

Well, unfortunately it was pretty badly water damaged by the last rain storm and I just can't see us using it now.  
This door is unbelievably heavy, so I couldn't move it off the front lawn every time I ran out of time to work on it.  I did wrap it up and it seemed to work out in past rainy weather, but something went wrong during that last storm.

The bubbling is hard to see in the pictures of the front side, but is horrible on the inside.  I was completely gutted.

My husband felt sorry for me (he knew how much I wanted to re-use the original door) and tried to carry it up to the front porch for me.  We thought we might still be able to fix it.  But then, to make matters worse, he put his back out lifting it and was lying flat on the living room floor for the next day.
I just don't think this door was meant to be.

Of course, since I've had it in my head to use this door, I feel awful replacing it with a cheap metal one.  I looked around a bit and found a place that makes solid oak doors for a slightly more reasonable (but still expensive!) price.  They emailed me this image.  I really love it!  We wouldn't do the curves, however, since they almost double the cost of the door. 

Things don't always work out as planned, I guess.  


  1. After all your hard work...that must be heart-breaking. You had gotten the old door looking so beautiful too. In case you hadn't already checked out Hoffmeyer's Mill, they do custom solid wood doors.

    1. Thanks a lot for that tip, Kyle! I just looked at their website and will definitely be giving them a call. They do beautiful work.

  2. I was busy last night and didn’t get a chance to give the blog’s address to my mom, but remembered I had it when I woke up a while ago and decided to check it out. I went back to the beginning and enjoyed reading all the way through; it’s kept me busy while my insomnia has kept me awake. We had our kitchen renovated not too long ago and it took us almost a year to get done, it’s amazing how efficient you guys have been, I can’t even imagine taking on a project that big! It seems to have really started to come together and I’m excited to see what it looks like when it’s finished.

    Also, I’m sorry to hear about your door, you obviously put a lot of work into it. Maybe you could find some other craft to use it for, not sure what exactly but I’d hate to see you just have to throw it out.

    1. So glad you're enjoying it! For the most part, it has gone really well but there is always something that doesn't quite go to pan.

  3. OOOH NO!!!

    The new door is great though!
    Or maybe a salvage store will have something? We went to a salvage store for a new interior door

    I don't want to give up our original door either (also want to hold on tight to the windows!!!)

    1. I did go to a salvage shop near us but all their doors will require more work than this one! We're going on holiday for the next 3 weeks so I will have to reassess things when we get back. If I'm up for it, I may just revisit the salvage yard. The front door can give the house such character. At the very least we can still reuse the screen door.
      I also kind of wish I knew more about salvaging windows before we started all this. I didn't realise you could make the old wood weighted windows energy efficient. If I had it to do over, I would have saved the front bay windows. Good for you for keeping yours!

  4. Oh no....but sometimes as one door closes another one opens...sorry for the cheesy pun...but maybe you will love your new door more than you think!

  5. I'm sure you're right. To be perfectly honest, I was always more attached to the old fashioned screen door anyway.

  6. Oh noooo! It's awful when a project goes wrong, and your poor man too! I'm sure the new door you choose will look really fan anyway. have a lovely weekend! / Niki
